We have just released Monit 5.34.4
Download: https://mmonit.com/monit/#download
Release Notes (https://mmonit.com/monit/changes/) =========================================
Fixed: If the Monit configuration file contains a string with unbalanced escape sequences, Monit may crash upon startup.
Fixed: If the password in the "set mmonit" URL contains only binary characters, syntax check passed (-t), but Monit aborts after start and reports following error: AssertException: n >= 0 raised in Str_ndup at src/util/Str.c:315 Aborted
Fixed: If the "every <cron>" statement contained a syntax error, syntax check passed (-t), but Monit aborts after start and reports following error: AssertException: n < 5 && n >= 0 raised in Time_incron at src/system/Time.c:1566 Aborted
Fixed: If the timeout option value was set to 0, the syntax check was successful (-t), but Monit aborts after starting and reports the following error: AssertException: timeout > 0 raised in Socket_create at src/net/socket.c:319 Aborted
Fixed: The "set syslog" statement's "facility" option did not permit the specification of the "log_user". Thanks to Lutz Mader for report.
Fixed: Double interpretation of format strings during RETHROW
Contact: ========
If you have questions, comments or any other feedback about this release, please contact us at support@mmonit.com
Best regards from the Monit team
Best regards, The M/Monit team