Hello everyone!
We have just released M/Monit 2.0.3. You can download the new release from:
Release information: --------------------
This is a bug fix release which fixes the NumberFormatException I sent a mail about earlier this week [1]. In addition, it contains a few other minor fixes. Upgrade is recommended!
The changes in this release are:
* Fixed a potential NumberFormatException error when clicking on a host row in the host status page. Many thanks to Aleksander Kamenik for finding this bug and helping us resolve it.
* The grey delete icon in admin tables is changed to a red icon on mouse hover to give better UI feedback. Thanks to Aleksander Kamenik for suggestion.
* Ignore invalid cookies. Previous versions aborted the request with a 404 error. Thanks to Ron McKown for debug help.
* In the admin page only display real active login sessions.
* Expanded host table columns platformname, platformrelease, platformversion, platformmachine to allow for up to 255 characters. FreeBSD 7.x uses very long names and this could prevent M/Monit from accepting status reports from servers running this OS.
If you are upgrading from M/Monit 2.0.2, perform the following to upgrade the database:
If you use SQLite:
If you use MySQL:
cat ./upgrade/upgrade-2.0.2-2.0.3.mysql | \ mysql -u mmonit -p -D mmonit
If you use Postgresql:
cat ./upgrade/upgrade-2.0.2-2.0.3.postgresql | \ psql -U mmonit mmonit
Future plans: =============
We expect this 2.0.3. release to be a stable version and the next 2.1 release is scheduled for July. The 2.1 release will primarily focus on scalability and make M/Monit able to handle many more Monit hosts. The goal is 1000. We'll also add Jabber alerts to this version and include host groups in alert rules for easier management of host rules.
Contact: ========
If you have questions or comments about this release, please contact us at mmonit@tildeslash.com
Have a nice weekend! Best regards from the M/Monit team.
[1] http://www.tildeslash.com/pipermail/mmonit-announce/2009-May/000004.html